Its not womans fault that diets dont work. Its not perversity
Of Lack of willpower. God did this. In her great wisdom.
By Dr. Wayne Callaway.
May I begin this article by asking you to do me a favor? All I ask of you is to give me a fair hearing. Only just five minutes of you precious time to read this. It will probably change your life beyond measures. If after the time limit, you can shut off this screen and I will be least offended. Any problem with this stipulation! If No then lets continue!
You may not like to read this. But the honest truth is that most women are desperate and will try almost anything to lose weight. Unfortunately most diets fail. A 1994 survey reported that 90 percent of dieters regain all the weight they lost within five years. When these diets fail. We blame ourselves, not the diet.
Dont be surprised if I say this! Many women rely on diet book for advice. What does the literature of weight loss teach about our bodies? The recurring theme leads to myths about dieting women and their bodies?
Let begin from the beginning, starting from myth number one. i.e.
Myth No.1. Fat is ugly and cause for self-loathing.
Here is something which is important. Being fat is described as a horrible fate. As one author of a popular diet book writes. "I lie in terror that I won't see my hip bones when look in the mirror." Dieting fat is seen as a sufficient cause for shame and guilt. One doctor prescribed a rigid 1200-calorie a day regimen with each nibble spelled nut because "so many overweight people have no self control.
Believe it or not! This same doctor gave out charts of perfect measurements for women of all heights. His measurements even included ankle and wrist size. Presumably, he selected a set of measurements that were pleasing to him and assumed they must be "perfect." The doctors message was clear-that by exerting enough self-control to follow his diet, women could become perfect. By implication, those who didnt lose weight were self-indulgent slugs.
Lets read on and discover for yourself what is myth number two is? Alright?
Myth No. 2 If you are not slender, you should be angry with yourself.
Here is the worst part! One book suggested standing naked in front of a mirror and telling yourself off for overeating. It recommended calling oneself fatso or other epithets, and focusing on particular mounds of fat as evidence of ones failure. Unfortunately, most women dont need to be taught how to run themselves down. This skill is already well developed.
Next lets give a loud shout to myth No.3.
Myth No. 3. You will be a social outcast unless you lose weight.
To be brutally honest! The discriminatory status quo that judges women according to their physical appearance is accepted without question. One author wrote, "Picture yourself doing well on a job that you wouldn't dare aspire to because of your weight." By not challenging the unfairness of a job market that penalizes women with certain body types these books give tacit consent to such practices.
Are you prepared to continue reading myth No. 4? But dont say I did not warn you. Fasting your seat belt and sit tight while you read this! OK?
Myth No.4. Appearance is a woman's most important personal attributes
You know what? Total preoccupation with weight is reasonable. Weight loss is seen as a valuable enough goal to justify marked food deprivation and physical and psychological discomfort. One doctor encourages women to start their diets by eating no solid food for three days. He encourages women to ignore the side effects of fasting such as dizziness, tiredness, and diarrhea. He states, rather too optimistically, that no one has ever been hurt by diet worthwhile goals like feeling useful, confident, or satisfied are subordinated is being slender.
Lets pause here for a moment, before we move along to myth number 5. Let me assure you that this myth may be last of the five myths, but I must say it is just as important as the others. You can believe me on that!
Myth No. 5. Do not trust yourself to make decisions about your eating.
Don't get me wrong! One author suggests, "Give up the instant gratification of food for the long-term gratification of a new body and a new life." Women are encouraged to mislabel their internal cues. One author writes "re-define hunger is good, not bad. Your body is burning up Fat."
Another author writes, Youre growling stomach is natures way or applauding your work In earn of these examples women are trained to devalue their knowledge or their own bodies and their ability to make good decision for themselves. Having stipulated the five myths, lets recap. Any problem?
The myths in this article can be summarized as. Myth number one, fat is apparently ugly and cause for self-loathing. Myth no. 2 is that most probably if you are not slender, you should be angry with yourself. The third myth is seemingly you will be a social outcast unless you lose weight. Myth no.4 could be evidently appearance is a woman's most important personal attributes. And lastly supposedly you should not trust yourself to make decisions about your eating. Does that sound obviously true? You be the judge!
My only conclusion is that I congratulate you for gaining this knowledge and this is power. I know that some of the material in this article was technical but you are stuck with it. That shows how much you want to succeed regardless whether physically or mentally. You are queen of your bodily kingdom. You decide for yourself which part of the article appeals to you personally or not. Nobody can and should question you personal decision. Right? Goodbye and happy living! Remember today is the first day of the rest of your life. There is still time. Period!
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