Men often pride themselves on being good, as they see it, in the bedroom, something which depends heavily upon the levels of the hormone testosterone that the fellow has in his blood. Normally, of course, most men have no difficulties in this department, though they may need to be careful what they choose to eat, if they want to maintain their high levels of sexual prowess, because what is, without doubt, one of the favourite sweet products in the world, could adversely affect that ability.
Used, since ancient times, both as food and for medicinal purposes, liquorice root actually contains many active ingredients, all of which are beneficial to our health. Generally seen, nowadays, as sweet treat material, this plant was, from the 3rd century BC, when discovered by Theophrastus, in ancient Greece, until the start of the 20th century, considered to be very useful medicinally, its botanical name deriving from the Greek glykyrrhiza,meaning sweet root, which is, of course, where the liquorice extract comes from.
In a 17th century medical text, The Herbal, to be precise, in 1633, author John Gerard stated that Licorice root is good, against the rough harshness of the throat and breast, for it openeth the pipes of the lungs, be they stuffed or stopped, and ripeneth the cough. The juices of Licorice, Ginger, and other spices, together make bread or cakes, named Ginger-breads, which are very good against coughs, infirmities of the lungs, and mouth, and, drunk with wine, against infirmities of the liver.
William Cook wrote, I 1869, in the medical text the Physiomedical Dispensary that the sweet root acted as a gentle relaxant, and was very soothing against mucous irritations, like bronchial afflictions, and can help remedy dry and tickly coughs. The medical text named A Modern Herbal, in 1931, stated that this root was used widely by brewers, who would add it to porters and stouts, because it lent both black coloration and thickness to these ales
All the same, researchers in Iran, conducting a recent study found that men who over-indulged in eating liquorice, risked doing damage to their sex lives., because, even though widely used, for example within chewing gum, tooth-pastes, herbal remedies and sweets, the substance canhave the unwanted effect of lowering testosterone levels, affecting both moods and libido, andeven increasing the risk that sexual problems might arise..
A British Pharmaceutical conference, some years ago now, held in Harrogate, in the UK, was where and when researchers warned about these risks, basing their comments on a study, of 20 healthy men, conducted by Iran University of Medical Science, by Dr Mahmoud Mosaddegh and colleagues.
These men, as test subjects, were given 1.3g of dried liquorice root extract each, everyday for 10 days, this extract containing 400mg or so, of glycyrrhizic acid, the compound giving liquorice the distinctive taste. Used in popular herbal remedies, with claims of its being capable of relieving allergy symptoms, as well as colds and flu, the extract is thought also good for chronic fatigue or ulcers, among other things.
The makers of cigarettes and drugs sometimes use, aiming to improve the way their products taste, while certain brands of chewing gum have 24mg of glycyrrhizic acid in them, some herbal teas as much 450mg per litre, when a European Commission report suggested that 100mg of glycyrrhizic acid per day was as much as should be ingested.
Blood samples, taken from the test subjects, revealed that significantly lower levels of testosterone, than should normally be expected, were oresent in every man involved, proving taking liquorice does indeed have an adverse effect on sexuality in males. Until further data becomes available, the advice is that caution, in use of this extract, be the watchword. Liquorice and sex are simply not good for one another, if you are a man so stick to chocolate, if you must have something sweet. It will at least not impede your sexual abilities, as the stuff that colors your lips and teeth would.