2013年12月31日 星期二

Glendale's Antioxidant Weight Loss Tips

With all their wonderful benefits, antioxidants are all the rage today and justifiably so. Cell damage and cancer are causes of free radicals, but amazingly antioxidants can help neutralize these risks. Antioxidants are everywhere, but no matter where you go blueberries seems to be the only choice. You have your choice of wild blueberry juice, blueberry pomegranate juice, blueberry-cranberry juice and so on. But, in our rush to embrace the latest antioxidant food craze (blueberries, cranberries, pomegranates) were ignoring some very high-antioxidant foods that are probably sitting ignored in our cupboards. The small red bean is a great antioxidant replacement for blueberries, cranberries, and pomegranates.

Scientists have found that the body forms unstable oxygen molecules known as free radicals and that antioxidant rich foods can help neutralize these unstable oxygen molecules.

A free radical is basically an atom with an odd number of electrons. Due to their odd number of electrons, free radicals indiscriminately pick up electrons from other atoms, which in turn convert those other atoms into secondary free radicals, thus setting up a chain reaction, which can cause substantial biological damage. In short, free radicals are very bad. There are many different kinds of free radicals we are exposed to everyday such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides.

You should not restrict yourself to one particular food source because there are so many common foods high in antioxidants. Did you know that foods are in different color families and each color contains different types of antioxidants and benefits? Thus the saying "eat your colors!" Peaches and nectarines, belonging in the yellow-orange color family, help offer an immune system boost. Pomegranates, plums, and berries of the purple-red color family help reduce inflammation. It is an important weight loss tip to eat foods from all color groups to reap the full benefits of antioxidants.

The good news is, you can eat healthy foods high in antioxidants (by eating them raw, cooking them, or juicing them yourself) without having to pay a high price for the flavor of the month antioxidant juices being peddled in the supermarkets.

So, give your blueberries some company at the dinner table. Make sure to bring some beans, spinach, potatoes or artichoke hearts and enjoy your antioxidants and your weight loss tip of the day!


How To Minimize Risk of Breast Cancer

Throughout the world, breast cancer is still included in the ranking of diseases that can cause death. Various attempts were made by health practitioners how so women can avoid or at least how to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Here are some healthy lifestyle is recommended by health practitioners to reduce the risk of breast cancer. 1. Avoid Drinks Containing Alcohol Although alcohol is consumed in small amounts was found to increase also the risk of breast cancer. Drinks that contain alcohol such as sake, beer, wine, and liquor. 2. Familiarize For Always Doing Sports By doing the exercise will strengthens your heart and can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Sports you can do is jogging, cycling, gymnastics tai chi, gymnastics, Qi Gong, or walking in the morning whiles exposed to a healthy exposure from the sun in the morning glow. Mild exercise is no longer necessary, it only takes 20 minutes just three days in a week or every day is also better. 3. Strive Ideal Body Weight In A study at the University of Texas shows that there is a correlation among obesity and resistance to attack breast cancer. Or in other words, if you are obese (overweight) then you will be vulnerable once breast cancer. 4. Avoid Eating Animal Products Containing Growth Hormone Animals are bred on farms for consumption, such as broilers. Suspected of growth hormone that is injected into the body of broilers can lead to cancer, including breast cancer. 5. Do Not Try To Smoke Ciggarette Smoking habits can trigger cancer cells to grow more quickly. Based on scientific research, that the substance is in a cigarette can effect the immune system so it will be susceptible to breast cancer. 6. Strive Eating Fresh Organic Vegetables There are two kinds of vegetables grown conventionally and organically. Strive if you can eat green vegetables prepared or planted with organic systems. By eating organic greens, your body will be spared from exposure continues - again an unhealthy side affects from the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. 7. Stabilize Emotions And Avoid Stress Keep in mind that one factor triggering the onset of disease in our body is stressed or soul that is not stable. Therefore, facing all the problems and solved by way of a wise and peaceful. 8. Avoid Foods Containing Preservatives Ingredients Strive to not be too often consume snacks containing preservatives. Scientific research has proven that food is preserved is not good for health because it can lead to various diseases. 9. Avoid Use of Cooking Spice Containing Mono Sodium Glutamate Research shows that the use of flavorings that contain MSG will trigger cancer cells to grow faster. Better, if you cook using only natural herbs and without any mixture of chemicals. 10. Consumption of Fruit Juice Every Day By drinking fresh fruit juice, then our body will gets the intake of nutrients and vitamins that are useful for endurance. There are some fruits that are recommended by health practitioners to be consumed, the dragon fruit, apples, carrots, mangosteen, papaya and Mangoes. In addition, fresh fruit is useful as anti-oxidants to ward off or clean up free radicals in the body. 11. Meet Your Doctor To ensure that the condition of our health in good condition, try to consult a doctor and conduct examinations using X-ray, whether breast there is a problem or not.

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2013年12月30日 星期一

Women Have Low Risk of Heart Disease Before Menopause Than do Men of The Same Age

Why female experienced low Coronary Heart Disease Risk then in males

A number of medical researchers and scientists believe that a woman's own natural estrogen might help protect her from heart disease, but they're still studying how the hormone may have that effect. Estrogen plays an important role in maintaining healthy, strong muscle tissue, including the muscle of the heart. Estrogen also has an impact on the blood's level of triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) or bad cholesterol, both of which can contribute to atherosclerosis and heart attack. Some studies have shown that estrogen contributes to healthy, reactive arteries and an increased blood flow. As a result, blood vessels are better able to relax and respond to exercise and physical stress by dilating and providing more blood flow when needed. Actually Women in their childbearing years are less prone to heart disease than are men of the same age. However, according to the American Heart Association (AHA), Menopause itself appears to increase a woman's risks of coronary heart disease and stroke. Your risk of heart disease increases when you reach menopause then just keeps on increasing. If your menopause occurs naturally, the risk rises slowly. But if menopause results from surgery, the risks can rise dramatically and quickly. Although a woman's short-term risk of coronary heart disease is generally lower than a man's before the age of 50 (unless she has diabetes, in which case her risk is similar to her male counterpart), her "lifetime risk" greatly increases with age. Menopause appears to be the tipping point at which women's risk of coronary heart disease catches up with men's risk.

After menopause:

After menopause, however, when the ovaries stop production, estrogen's protective effect is lost. The rate of coronary heart disease in women who have experienced menopause is actually two to three times that of women in the same age group who have not experienced menopause. And compared with women who experience menopause at age 50 or later, women who reach menopause before age 45 are at an increased risk.

Cholesterol in Women:

High cholesterol is one example in which the way men and women are affected by a condition and the subsequent treatment that would be appropriate are different. It's true that high cholesterol in either gender increases the risk of coronary heart disease. However, women under the age of 50 don't often have a cholesterol level that would warrant typical treatment to lower cholesterol. This is because, before menopause, women tend to have a higher HDL-cholesterol level that protects them. But after menopause, these protective levels of HDL cholesterol can drop.In older women, levels of triglycerides provide an excellent indicator of coronary heart disease. This may be a result of increased insulin resistance, which typically occurs after menopause and is associated with a higher level of triglycerides. Women are also more likely than men to develop high blood pressure at an advanced age.

High Blood Pressure in Women"

Blood pressure begins to become a risk factor of coronary heart disease when it exceeds 115/75 mm Hg. Pre-hypertension is defined as a systolic blood pressure between 120 and 139 mm Hg or a diastolic blood pressure between 80 and 89 mm Hg, and lifestyle changes, which may be especially beneficial for women, are recommended at this point. Weight loss and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, which restricts sodium, can significantly improve blood pressure. If lifestyle changes don't result in lower blood pressure, or blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg or greater, medication may be necessary.

Diabetes in Women:

The development of diabetes in women -- who naturally experience an increase in the risk of coronary heart disease as they age as a result of menopause -- is especially worrisome because diabetes significantly adds to this risk. In fact, diabetes has been shown to be more dangerous for women than men. Diabetes Prevention Program study found that lifestyle changes were even more effective than medication at reducing the incidence of diabetes.

Are Women Really Different From Men?

The answer to this is yes, yes, yes! Women are more likely to die of their heart attacks and strokes than men are, even though men have more of these events. Here are some of the differences:

Women minimize their cardiac symptoms.Women seem to tough it out more than men, and studies show that when men and women have the same severity of heart disease, women rate it as mild to moderate while men rated theirs as severe. This keeps women from getting the quick and thorough follow-up care they need.

Women can have different symptoms than men.Women sometimes have only anxiety, or a doomed feeling; may be suddenly very tired; may vomit; or may have burning abdominal pain. Since these are not the symptoms people think of for a heart attack, they put off getting to the hospital.

Women may have a condition called coronary micro vascular syndrome. In this condition, plaque forms evenly in their arteries, and blockages do not show on diagnostic tests. But the artery walls are still blocked at the microscopic level, thus leaving them at risk for a heart attack.

Women Can Prevent Heart Disease

1) Say no to cigarettes.

2) Watch your waist

3) perform physical activity daily.

4) Use pepper, not salt

5) Cut back - on saturated and trans-fats.

6) Eat colorful foods.

7) Go fishing at least twice a week.

8) Takes juices.

9) Avoid oily foods.

10) Foster mutually supportive relationships with friends, family, and co-workers.

11) Reduces anxiety and depression, and improves sleep.

12) Practice relaxation techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, progressive relaxation, or visualization.

13) If youre feeling overwhelmed, seek help from a mental health professional.


How To Quit Smoking Within 3 Days !!

Actually it completely depends on you and your quitting habits. My father really quit smoking in 3 days. You will find a lot articles which explain scientific ways to quit smoking, but they are temporary means. You'll catch the habit again within few months. The real problem is how to fight the craving after quitting and making it permanent.

Quitting the habit of smoking is tough both for teenagers and adults. It just depends on motivation and willpower you carry. You need a plan, but first you must know why quitting seems hard. Smoking tobacco is equally an addiction as well as psychological habit. Slowly it becomes a ritual as nicotine is temporarily an addictive. Eliminate this regular fix of nicotine to successfully accomplish the task.

First of all, learn to manage stress, depression, fear, anxiety and loneliness because these are the main reasons which lead you towards that pack of cigarette. Think of cigarette as a wrong way to reduce stress, remind yourself about the adverse effect of it. There are more useful, effective and better ways as exercising, meditation, relaxation and simple breathing exercises. Practicing Yoga is a better option. The best way to quit smoking is to find alternate ways to reduce stress and all other mental harassments, because even when the cigarettes aren't with you, these feelings still prevail.

Design a game plan: List those reasons why you want to quit, and then keep such lists on those places where you keep cigarettes. You can use the following points:-

- I'll feel healthier and more energetic with white teeth and fresh breath.

- I'll lower the risks for cancer and heart attacks to occur, thus Ill add years to my life.

- My family would be proud of me.

- I'll have more money to spend.

Ask question to yourself: Try these, they can help:-

- Do I need to smoke every meal?

- Should I take more than one a day?

- Is my smoking related to other addictions as alcohol or gambling?

- Is there any need of hypo therapy or acupuncture?

- Should I consult to a therapist or a counselor?

- Shouldn't I go and join a fitness programme?

- Is smoking more important than my family, friends and life?

Just take your time and think which are those moments which call for a cigarette so that you can plan your ways to sort them out.

How to manage cravings after quitting?

After quitting, you may feel dizzy, restless and even may suffer from longer headaches, due to the lack of immediate release of sugar from nicotine. So, keep your sugar levels normal those days, drink fruit juices and other sugar supplements (don't do this, if you are diabetic). Stay active and keep yourself distracted and occupied. Keep your fingers busy. Use squeaky balls, pencils, paper clips. Keep your mind busy, read books and listen to Linkin Park Reloaded music. Use hard candy, mints, sunflower to keep your mouth busy when you have excess cravings for cigarettes. Manage your mood, just be busy. You may gain weight due to mindless eating so find other ways.

This tasks can only be done, when you want to do it. You must be self aware and motivated. Only you can do it and no one else. Best of luck and start leading a healthier life.

An Article by: HappyChappy And SumoPunk.

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2013年12月29日 星期日

Health Food That Dampens Male Libido

Men often pride themselves on being good, as they see it, in the bedroom, something which depends heavily upon the levels of the hormone testosterone that the fellow has in his blood. Normally, of course, most men have no difficulties in this department, though they may need to be careful what they choose to eat, if they want to maintain their high levels of sexual prowess, because what is, without doubt, one of the favourite sweet products in the world, could adversely affect that ability.

Used, since ancient times, both as food and for medicinal purposes, liquorice root actually contains many active ingredients, all of which are beneficial to our health. Generally seen, nowadays, as sweet treat material, this plant was, from the 3rd century BC, when discovered by Theophrastus, in ancient Greece, until the start of the 20th century, considered to be very useful medicinally, its botanical name deriving from the Greek glykyrrhiza,meaning sweet root, which is, of course, where the liquorice extract comes from.

In a 17th century medical text, The Herbal, to be precise, in 1633, author John Gerard stated that Licorice root is good, against the rough harshness of the throat and breast, for it openeth the pipes of the lungs, be they stuffed or stopped, and ripeneth the cough. The juices of Licorice, Ginger, and other spices, together make bread or cakes, named Ginger-breads, which are very good against coughs, infirmities of the lungs, and mouth, and, drunk with wine, against infirmities of the liver.

William Cook wrote, I 1869, in the medical text the Physiomedical Dispensary that the sweet root acted as a gentle relaxant, and was very soothing against mucous irritations, like bronchial afflictions, and can help remedy dry and tickly coughs. The medical text named A Modern Herbal, in 1931, stated that this root was used widely by brewers, who would add it to porters and stouts, because it lent both black coloration and thickness to these ales

All the same, researchers in Iran, conducting a recent study found that men who over-indulged in eating liquorice, risked doing damage to their sex lives., because, even though widely used, for example within chewing gum, tooth-pastes, herbal remedies and sweets, the substance canhave the unwanted effect of lowering testosterone levels, affecting both moods and libido, andeven increasing the risk that sexual problems might arise..

A British Pharmaceutical conference, some years ago now, held in Harrogate, in the UK, was where and when researchers warned about these risks, basing their comments on a study, of 20 healthy men, conducted by Iran University of Medical Science, by Dr Mahmoud Mosaddegh and colleagues.

These men, as test subjects, were given 1.3g of dried liquorice root extract each, everyday for 10 days, this extract containing 400mg or so, of glycyrrhizic acid, the compound giving liquorice the distinctive taste. Used in popular herbal remedies, with claims of its being capable of relieving allergy symptoms, as well as colds and flu, the extract is thought also good for chronic fatigue or ulcers, among other things.

The makers of cigarettes and drugs sometimes use, aiming to improve the way their products taste, while certain brands of chewing gum have 24mg of glycyrrhizic acid in them, some herbal teas as much 450mg per litre, when a European Commission report suggested that 100mg of glycyrrhizic acid per day was as much as should be ingested.

Blood samples, taken from the test subjects, revealed that significantly lower levels of testosterone, than should normally be expected, were oresent in every man involved, proving taking liquorice does indeed have an adverse effect on sexuality in males. Until further data becomes available, the advice is that caution, in use of this extract, be the watchword. Liquorice and sex are simply not good for one another, if you are a man so stick to chocolate, if you must have something sweet. It will at least not impede your sexual abilities, as the stuff that colors your lips and teeth would.


How to Start a Diet Without Meat

Studies have shown that consumption of meat poses many health risks such as heart attacks, cancer, and obesity. All of these result from the byproducts of trans fat, cholesterol, and toxins from pesticide residues as well as antibiotics and hormones the animals were fed. What can we do about it? How can we substitute other food for meat but still get all the complete proteins we need as well as the vitamins and minerals. Most people think that we have to eat meat in order to get all the nutrition we need, but thats not necessarily the case. There are other food sources with complete protein such as fish, eggs, milk, and tofu. In addition, we can also combine legumes with whole grains, whole grains with nuts/seeds, and legumes with nuts/seeds. Other than for health reasons, we should eat a diet without meat to be responsible human beings and not support the slaughter houses from demoralizing the way animals are raised. However, if you still insist on eating meat then I would suggest looking up Halal meat or Kosher meat as they are raised and slaughtered in a clean and moral way. Below are 5 simple steps to follow a non-meat diet:

Eat These:

Complex carbohydrates (aka whole grains):

Complete Protein (aka high quality protein):

Healthy Dietary Fats (aka the good/unsaturated fats):

Highly Recommended Supplements:

Dont Eat These:


2013年12月28日 星期六

What Foods A Smoker Should Eat A Lot

To really understand why and how these foods are good for smokers, you need to know some facts about smoking:

- Nicotine and some other substances in cigarettes are toxins that can promote the development of cancers, mostly the lung cancer.

- Nicotine will burden your heart by constricting the arteries, increase the bad cholesterol (LDL) in your body and increase the risk of hypertension.

- Smoking can increase the risk of influenza, tuberculosis and some other infectious diseases.

- Smoking will destroy vitamin C in your body, the more you smoke the more vitamin C will be destroyed.

- Smokers usually have lower concentration of Vitamin A, E, Selenium and Zinc in their body.

- Liver is an important organ responsible for removing toxins from your body.

Broccoli is high in vitamins C and A. A cup of broccoli can provide about 81 mg of Vitamin C and 567 IU of Vitamin A. Vitamin C and A are antioxidants that can prevent the risk of cancer. Broccoli also contains diindolymethane, selenium and glucoraphanin which have anti-cancer activity.

Consuming broccoli is good for your liver, it can enhance the enzymes' activity in the liver and help to neutralize aflatoxins.

Some researches also suggested broccoli have good effect on heart muscle and can against heart damage.

Apple is an antioxidant rich fruit, which can reduce the risk of cancer. Researches also found apples can help lower the risk of heart disease and reduce cholesterol.

Consuming apples can benefit your liver too. It will reduce the work loads of liver because apple contains pectin which help the colon to excrete heavy metals from your body.

Garlic has been used as medicine for thousands of years. It has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity that can improve your body immune system.

Some studies suggested garlic can help to prevent heart disease. Because it can reduce accumulation of cholesterol and aortic plaque on the vascular walls, and decrease blood pressure.

Soybean can benefit your heart, it can lower cholesterol level and reduce the risk of heart disease. Soybean contains isoflavones which are believed to be useful in the prevention of cancer.

Soybean is a good source of minerals. It is high in copper and iron, and contains some low amount of selenium and zinc.

Consuming large amount avocado can lower cholesterol levels. It contains beta-sitosterol which can reduce the amount of cholesterol absorbed from food.

Avocado also contains Omega 3 that is good both for cardiovascular disease and cancer prevention.

One medium sized Florida avocado may provide about 8.1 mg of Vitamin E, 52 mg of Vitamin C, 426 IU of Vitamin A, 0.3 g of Omega 3 and some amount of minerals.

Lemon contains diluted hydrochloric acid, good for liver. You can easily to create a Liver Detox drink by a glass of lemon juice add with some water.

A medium sized lemon contain about 83 mg of Vitamin C, it is good for recharge the loss that cause by smoking.

Link: /content/3/1/18


Quitting smoking

Quitting is a Good Medicine

The risk of lung cancer for ex-smoker drops to as much as 1/2 that of continuing smoker, after 10 years. The risk continues to decline with additional years of staying smoke free. For people with heart disease, quitting smoking reduces the risk of repeat attacks and death from heart disease by 50% or more. People who quit smoking live longer than those who continue to smoke. For people with ulcer, quitting smoking reduces the risk of recurrence and improves short- term healing.

Quit for health

People with poor blood circulation in the legs, quitting smoking improve the ability to exercise and increases overall survival. Men and women, who quit at ages 65 to 69, increase their life expectancy by one year. After 15 years off cigarettes, the risk of death for ex- smokers returns to nearly the level of persons who have never smoked.

Ways to cut down your smoking day by day

Decide to cut down by a certain number of cigarettes per day, and increase your reduction by that number each succeeding day. Postpone the first cigarette of the day by an hour, and extend that time daily. Make it hard to get and smoke a cigarette. Choose a method of quitting. Look for the most successful, but gradual approach is fine. If you always have a smoke with you coffee, switch to tea, juice or soda.

Preparing to quit

1. Ask yourself 3 key questions:

How much do I smoke?

Why do I smoke?

What will be my most difficult hurdle in quitting?

2. If youre feeling ambivalent about quitting, ask yourself whom you want most - to smoke or to stop.

3. Make list of things you like to buy yourself or someone else. Estimate the cost in terms of packs of cigarettes, and put the money aside to buy these presents.

On the day you quit

1. Throw away all the cigarettes and matches. Hide lighters and ashtrays.

2. Visit the dentist and have your teeth cleaned to get rid of the tobacco stains, Notice how nice they look, and resolve to keep them that way.

3. Change to a brand you dont like. Buy only one pack at a time.

4. Keep busy on the big day. Go to movies, exercise, take long walks, go bike riding.

5. Do something for your body. Get back in to shape. Exercise is a great for relaxation.

6. Call up your friends and tell them youre going to quit. Choose to tell friends who offer only positive reinforcement.

7. If you quit for one day, you can quit for another day. Try it.

8. Save all the money you would have spent on cigarettes and buy your self something. You deserve it.

9. If you break down and have cigarette, do not give up. Some people take several tries before they make it.


* Health Guide - 1998

* Self Care by Don R. Powell, Ph. D.

* Mayo Clinic Family Health Book 1996

* Mayo Health Quest 1999


2013年12月27日 星期五

Why you should use drink acai juice

There are several reasons you should drink acai berry juice. All the reasons point to improved health and disease prevention.

It's great and helps fight a number of illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. It contains acai which is the key ingredient to prevention of illnesses.

Consider acai and the French Paradox

France is known for its citizens' love of cigarettes and a diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol, and yet it has one of the lowest rates of heart disease of any Westernized nation. Research suggests this paradox results from the French people's affinity for red wine. Red wine contains anthrocyanins, a group of powerful antioxidants that are believed to reduce the risk of heart disease by scavenging the free radicals that cause cholesterol and plaque buildup in blood vessels by damaging linings of blood vessel walls. This discovery about antioxidant benefits of red wine has caused a lot of controversy about alcohol consumption. Acai is the safe alternative to alcohol drinking and the pulp contains thirty times the oxidant-fighting anthrocyanins of red wine per equal amount, and without the dangers of alcohol. High quality acai is not sold in your local stores. You can buy it online and rest assured you are recieving a high quality product.



Wealth And Health: A-Z Blogging And Freelance Writing Success Tips

To many internet entrepreneurs, night and day mean nothing more than hours, as time is acknowledged by the minute rather than by the day. Making money online is the name of the game.

The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The following health tips will help you cope with the pressures of making money Online and reduce health risks associated with the long hours in front of the computer screen. Besides, the most important resource to a blogger, is the blogger himself. All the other factors: reliable Internet connection, a working computer and working space are all replaceable. They are guaranteed to make your experience making money Online more enjoyable.

A is for Addictions


Health Risks in Bloggers: To overcome writers block, some bloggers are known to imbibe Alcohol , smoke packets of cigarette while others smoke cannabis. Alcohol binging is also common due to time constraints and the need to " release " after days and nights spent holed up in the house behind the computer.

Health Tip: Here is a simple rule that works for me. When you can't write then its time to read. Read the work of other writers to inspire yourself, challenge yourself, to learn and to inform thy self. It also helps making drafts to jot down those foggy ideas so that you can return later to polish them into worthy articles.

To smooth-en the task of making money Online, it is also important to set time every day to nurse that battered body and brain. Doing this can also be a motivating tool. This is because you can set goals that you want to achieve by the time set for recharging, so that you can enjoy your free time in peace.


B is for Back Problems


Health Risk for Bloggers: Poor sitting positions due to bad choice in furniture leading to back strain and back pains

Health Tip: The following images attributed tomedicinenet.comandBBC.comrespectively, should help with preventing back pain.

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C is for Caffeine


Health Risks for Bloggers: Too much Tea, Coffee and Coke soda.

The former two cause diuresis leading to dehydration. They also carry the risk of caffeine addiction. Soda contains an equivalent of six tablespoons of sugar per serving. Diabetes and heart attack risk are increased by taking too much sugar which deranges your blood sugar levels with time.

Health Tip: Take other fluids to rehydrate. Coffee and tea are not that bad. Fresh juice, hot water with lemon are plausible alternatives. Good old water remains the best option. If you have to take coffee with breakfast to get you starting, try including more proteins in your breakfast as amino acids give the body a similar boost.


D is for Depression


Health Risks For Bloggers: Updating posts, commenting, promoting your blog and research is a lot of work. Bloggers are constantly worried about the state of their Blogs and how to make money machines out of them.

Health Tips: Outsource what you can as soon as you can. Hire ghost writers if need be, invite friends to publish as guests on your blog. Keep short to mid -term achievable goals. Consistency is key rather than just the quantity of work done.


E is for Eye problems


Health Risks For Bloggers: Poor lighting of the work area. Eye problems like glaucoma have been reported to be caused by spending long hours in front of computer screens. Headaches due to straining to read text in poorly light working conditions are also common.

HealthTip: Set conditions to be fit for reading. A well distributed diffuse light is best. Adjust the font on pages where the font is too small. Do not work in'adarkroom'where all lights are switched off and the glaring computer screen is the only source of light in the room. Adjust the brightness of your monitor.


F is for Family and Friends


Take time to make family and friends understand the difference in schedules for you as a blogger. As you do so, create time for them too. Schedule visits, lunch dates and even simply pick up the phone and make a call. Not only does this refresh and re-energize, contact with friends and family may provide you with juicy ideas for your next project.


G is for Gym


You need to exercise otherwise your sedentary lifestyle may lead to lifestyle diseases like hypertension, type 2 diabetes and even heart attacks! Exercise has many benefits for the body and mind. Remember to get in some resistance training through weight lifting. For those who cannot afford the gym, push ups now and them will do.


H is for Habits


Health Risks For Bloggers: Smoking is the main focus here as at times, smoking is more of a habitual problem than an addiction to nicotine. It could be the sound of the match stick as it bursts out into flames or the need to feel something between your lips that drives you to light up. Maybe, it is just something that breaks the monotony of typing on the keyboard. So to say, a conveniently wonderful, personal legal distraction.

Health Tip: Be warned! Quiting is easier said than done. Try and take note of the environmental stimuli that cause you to reach out for that cigarette. Then try alter your behaviour in response to the noted stimuli by re-directing the urge and doing an alternative action.

Keep the packet of cigarettes away from sight to prevent impulsive actions. Seek help and support, but remember that the decision to quit needs to come from you. Nicotine supplements and the electronic cigarette have been of help to many though there is a school of thought that nicotine supplements may hamper a smoker making that decision to quit smoking.


I for Insomnia


Blogging pressures described above in D are culprits here. Sleep disorders are common due to the erratic schedules of Online business.

Insomnia and other sleep disorders may precipitate burn out and depression. Do yourself a favour by setting a specific sleep time, understand your sleeping habits and how much of sleep you need to function adequately. Keep your sleep time sacred and holy and observe it like theSabath.


J is for Junk Food


The temptation to snack is great as Blogging is energy consuming. When this is coupled by the sedentary lifestyle of Blogging, heart attacks ,obesity and diabetes soon come knocking on the door. If you are a lolly pop person, sugar free versions should be the norm. Other healthy snacks include ground nuts and other nuts, fruits and fresh vegetables like carrots. Observing set meal times also helps in reducing snacking.


K for Kegel Exercises


In recognition of the importance of sexual health. Kegel exercises which involve intermittent deliberate clenching and relaxation of pelvic floor muscles in a manner akin to how one holds back urine, have been reported to confer benefits to the sexual experience.


L is for Laughing


It is said that a giggle a day keeps the doctor away. Treat yourself to something that is purely fun and amusing while surfing the web every 90 mins or so. They are plenty of good jokes Online and streaming TV shows to help with this.


M is for Music


Music is food for the soul. It may help unlock that writers block more than puffing away a pack of cigarettes. Background instrumental music should provide apt company for any blogger. Playing your favourite play-list may uplift your spirits.

If need be, crank up the volume, Dance along or sing along to the music to break the monotony of typing away. I have this habit of taking time to select a long play-list that will play as I work; before I do any work Online. For me it is a simple " No Music, No work " policy.


N is for Neighbours


To the casual observer, a blogger may be an enigma. Erratic time schedules, late nights, partying at odd times and the nondescript life may pass on misconceptions about you. I had a chuckle the other day when one of my neighbours confessed to me how they thought I was some sort of spy or secret government agent. It could have been worse you know- a terrorist maybe?

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If you have nosy neighbours [ who doesn't anyway] it would be nice to say hello when the chance presents itself. Take time to participate in neighbour hood initiatives. This doesn't have to be time consuming as time is indeed money in Online business. You can offer your expertise by doing the research, carrying out social media marketing and designing fliers and posters. These activities marry into your work, give you an opportunity to hone your skills, present opportunities to skillfully market your Online business and cater for the social aspect of health.


O is for Optimism


Especially when starting out, Blogging is extremely unrewarding. You may even start to think that all those stories you heard about successful Online business are scams. Quite often, many quit before the harvest is due. Most of those over night successes you have read about come after numerous attempts and failures. You might quit at your 99th post yet it is that abandoned 100th blog post that may have opened the doors for you. Keep your spirits up, the beauty of Blogging and freelance writing is that every product you churn has the potential of having an endless shelf life. Keep this in mind and build on successes, learn from your mistakes. Your day will come.


Second part: Health Tips ( P => Z )


2013年12月26日 星期四

ADHD Diet Food - Foods That Will Help ADHD People Stay Focus - Health - Nutrition

ADHD refers to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This condition is characterized by having a shorter or lack of focus and attention span on everything that they do. People with this condition will find themselves lacking the control to stay put and focus on the things they need to do. the symptoms of ADHD can vary depending on the person who obtained it. While others totally lack attention in doing thing, some will just be careless or totally disorganized on their items. The good news is there are now lots of solutions and medications to help control this its symptoms including ADHD Diet Food. This basically suggests how food can help people with ADHD control its symptoms.The concept of ADHD Diet Food helping in ADHD symptom management was presented by Dr. Feingold during the year 1970s. a number of researches have stated how children are sensitive when it comes to food preservatives and dyes. Typically, a number of food colorings can trigger its symptoms and as mu ch as possible be taken away from the diet plan. Instead of focusing on preparing foods with processed ingredients, better chose the raw and organic ones to control its symptoms. Good foods include those that are high in protein and complex carbohydrates. Vitamin-rich foods are also very important for people with ADHD since it will provide body processes regulation that will help them achieve better brain functions and get better memory than the usual. A number of foods should be avoided like sweet snacks and choose better snack options than the usual.To wrap up, ADHD Diet Food composition can be very simple as you just need to think of the right foods to include in the diet. And basically, they are the foods that you encounter on other diet plans. A healthy amount of high protein foods like eggs, meat, cheese and nuts can help brain functions as food for the brain. Eating these protein foods is suggested to be taken during breakfast and even snacks. Raw fruits rich in vitam ins and minerals are great choices as snacks to avoid sweets. Furthermore, omega 3-rich foods like fishes will also contribute in managing its symptoms.


Women Weight Loss Foods - Foods that help women lose weight - Health - Weight Loss

There are foods that help women to loss weight quickly and healthily. If you follow the recommended weight loss foods for women, you will lose weight and completely at the same time you feel healthier, happier and livelier, without dangerous diet pills.

Foods that help women lose weight really providing health, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, brown rice, oats, herbal teas, locust beans, legumes, nuts, unsalted, jacket potatoes, tofu, salad, olive oil and low fat live yogurt.

Weight loss foods for women prohibits women from eating the wheat, dairy products, eggs, foods with sugar, chocolate, rice pudding, processed foods, salted nuts, marmalade, jam, pasta, cakes, cookies, ice cream, crisps and ready meals. Coffee, tea, cocoa, alcohol, carbonated drinks and a packet of soup, as well as perform.

The best foods that help women lose weight is strictly vegetarian food, there is no animal products including dairy products are eaten. Vegetarian food is easily digestible.

One golden rule: a high-fat dairy products. This means that eggs, pasteurized cream, whole milk, cream, butter or full-fat cheese.

This is because dairy products are mucous forming which means it stimulates the cellular and arterial blockage. Only low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese are allowed, and even they should only be eaten occasionally. Milk products also tend to be added hormones and chemicals that promote the accumulation of fat. Instead, you need to buy lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably organic.

Buy soya or oat flour instead of wheat flour and try carob powder instead of chocolate. You should always be unsalted nuts and seeds at home. This is a healthy food weight loss foods for women, that you should always buy food.

Buy brown rice, buckwheat spaghetti and stock up on dried lentils and other legumes. Keep a variety of spices, herbs and spices, including sea salt and whole pepper, vegetable stock cubes, fresh ginger root, garlic and onion powder. All curry spices - turmeric, cumin, garam masala, coriander, fenugreek and cardamom, are useful as well.

When possible, buy fresh herbs, but dried herbs are better than nothing.

All flavors such as vanilla essence, to be the real thing, not artificially made substitutes.

You should start a comprehensive clean-up "your system. You must comply with raw fruits and vegetables to 10 days, and drink 8 glasses of water a day, before the weight loss diet for women.

Healthy weight loss, you should not drink any alcohol during the first 2 weeks. After glass of wine a day is fine, but avoid alcohol. Smoking is one of the worst thing that you should avoid and reduce it if you can and avoid coffee, which kill off valuable nutrients.

Drink herbal teas such as oolong tea and green tea instead, or breakfast, hot water with a squeeze of lemon is the ideal glass.

You have the right to follow the recommended weight of food in women. These are the foods that help women lose weight with the added benefit of making your skin healthier and you feel livelier, more beautiful, and disease.


2013年12月25日 星期三

The Obama Administration 2010 Vs. George Orwell "1984"

I cannot help feeling that the Obama administration, and the entire American political class, has some frightening similarities to the dysfunctional and totalitarian government that George Orwell foresaw in his classic novel, "1984." The loss of freedom, the frightening rise in power by the ruling political class, the declining quality of life for ordinary citizens, the manipulation and spin doctoring of reality, etc. are very similar to the storyline in "1984."

Consider some George Orwell quotes, most of which come from the novel, and recent news accounts and events:

* Orwell Quote: "The propagandist's purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human." * Obama Administration: During the lead up to and after the passage of Obama's health care reform legislation, the President allowed members of his party to dehumanize those that had honest problems and issues with the legislation. Consider the slander:

- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi called those citizens opposed to Obama Care "un-American."

- Florida Congressman Alan Grayson called those citizens opposed to Obama Care "knuckle dragging Neanderthals."

- New York Congressman Charles Rangel likened those that opposed Obama Care to the real racists that opposed the early civil rights movement.

- Texas Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee also likened those opposed to Obama Care to the racists of the 1950s and 1960s.

- Alan Grayson stated that all Tea Party members were wearing white sheets 25 years ago, an obvious referral to the racist Ku Klux Klan movement.

Rather than celebrating diversity of opinion and debating the issues, the President allowed his henchman and women to bad mouth and slander those Americans for having a different opinion. Rather than acting Presidential and bringing people together by ending the name calling, the President became nothing more than the propagandist that Orwell talks about.

* Orwell Quote: "War is a way of shattering to pieces or pouring into the stratosphere or sinking in the depths of the seas, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent." * Obama Administration: Although this problem existed long before the President came into office, he has done nothing to counter what Eisenhower called the military-industrial complex. The United States, by far, is the biggest investor into military resources, by any measure you chose, in the entire world. We have troops stationed all over the world, defending interests and property that no longer need to be defended. Why do we have tens of thousands of troops in Europe? The Iron Curtain is down, communism has been defeated but still, we waste taxpayer money stationing troops there. Why do we have almost 30,000 troops in South Korea? They have one of the strongest economies in the world, let South Korea defend itself. Why do we have tens of thousands of troops in Japan? They are unlikely to attack Pearl Harbor again and these troops would be useless against any aggressive move by the massive Chinese army. Why do we not reorient these resources from defense to tax reductions and helping ordinary American citizens? According to Orwell, that would make the masses more comfortable and intelligent, two aspects that the political class would see as a threat to their own power.

* Orwell Quote: "War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." * Obama Administration: Shortly after coming into power, the Obama administration decided to change the language when describing Islamic terrorism. His administration went on a journey to purge Bush era terms like "war on terrorism," "radical Islam," "jihadist," and Islamic terrorism" from all government publications, speeches, testimonies, etc. For example, rather than talk about "Islamic terrorism," the administration wants everyone to talk about "violent extremism."

Thus, it appears that Obama is trying to do the same word games that the government did in "1984." By controling language, you can control the situation. The problem with such an approach is while it may give those in power more control over the debate of a specific issue, it obscures the true reality of the situation. If you do not understand the reality of an issue, the chances of successfully solving that issue are minimized. How can you argue against war if it has the same meaning as peace? How can you solve the problem of Islamic terrorism if you deny that it exists? Obama's attempt to control the language will put us further away from understanding the root cause of the Islamic fanaticism and how to defend against it.

The further problem with this language gambit is that it has not worked. According to an October, 14, 2010 Yahoo News article, several studies are now showing that changing the language is not solving any problems. A study by the Brookings Institution in Washington found that between May, 2009 and May, 2010, the number of Middle Eastern Arabs expressing optimism in Obama's approach toward their region dropped from 51% to 16% with those becoming discouraged with the President rising from 15% to 63%. A Pew Reserach Center study shows that in August, 2010, fewer Americans held a favorable view of Islam, 30%, than during the Bush administration (41%). The Pew study also found that more Americans (35%) say Islam encourages violence more than other religions, up from 25% in 2002.

Thus, not only is this process of muddying the waters of language a bad way to solve problems, these two studies show that Obama's purging of our government's vocabulary is not working, either domestically or abroad from an attitude perspective.

* Orwell Quote: "And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed - if all records told the same tale - then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present, controls the past'" * Obama Administration: three examples here where the administration has tried to control and suppress information and perpetuate the lie in order to advance its own agenda. If you can suppress contrary views, you can control the past, the present and the future that the political class wants.

The first example was from early in the Obama administration. EPA engineer, Alan Carlin, researched and then wrote a 98 page report that challenged some of the assumptions and predicted outcomes regarding global warming that were at odds with what the Obama administration wanted to hear. Mr. Carlin has an undergraduate degree in physics from Cal Tech and a PhD in economics from MIT so that he is not an uneducated scientist. However, he was told to suppress his findings and not communicate them to anyone outside of the agency. Rather than discuss his findings publicly and have a scientific debate over his conclusions, the political class, in this case the Obama administration, decided to suppress the analysis and possibly perpetuate the potential lie of global warming. In all of the news reports I saw in this matter, no one was questioning Mr. Carlin's methodology, analysis, etc., it was purely a political suppression of information, something that Orwell would have been prou d of. By suppressing information like this, the political class can control the debate and any kind of control is not good in a democratic society since it usually does not help arrive at the right solution for a problem. Is the administration tyring to pass the lie into history and make global warming the truth, contrary to a scientific conclusion that it was not the truth?

The EPA report suppression is not the only instance where the Obama administration tried to suppress information. A soldier at Fort Hood who videotaped the killing spree by Major Nidal Hasan was told by his commanding officer to delete the video. The soldier testified that a non-commissioned officer, acting on orders from an officer, was told to delete the video the same day of the shooting. Now why would anyone want to delete a videotaping of a live crime, wouldn't it be a great piece of evidence at the trial of the shooter? Is the Obama administration trying to control the situation by controlling the information? No reason for that video to have been destroyed unless someone, somewhere high up the chain of command did not want to lose control of the situation, even if justice was not served in the process.

Finally, consider an Associated Press report that appeared on October 6, 2010. According to the article and a finding by the commission appointed by the President to investigate the Gulf oil spill disaster, the Obama White House deliberately blocked efforts by government scientists to tell the public just how bad the oil spill could become. The article also reported that other missteps and incompetence were also suppressed by the Administration.

According to the article, the commission's documents "show that the White House was directly involved in controlling the message as it struggled to convey that it, not BP, was in charge of responding..." There is that pesky word again, controlling. Control the information and you can control the lie, control the lie and history will turn that lie into the truth. If the Obama administration focused more on the oil spill and the root cause of the Fort Hood shooting and the reality that global warming might be a piece of fiction, and less on controlling the lie, the country might be better off, even if the political class was worse off.

* Orwell Quote: "The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history." * Obama Administration: Consider an October 20, 2010 article from the Heritage Foundation that covered a speech that the President recently gave in Rockville, Maryland. In that speech he quoted from the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that each of us are endowed with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Sounds harmless enough, right? Celebrating our heritage. But look closely, he did not "exactly" quote the Declaration of Independence. The accurate quote reads as follows: We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

According to the article, the President omitted the exact same phrase from two other recent speeches, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute's 33rd Annual Awards Gala and at a New York City fundraiser. Once is an oversight, three times inside of a month is a trend. Sounds very Orwellian to me, "to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history." Denying the words "By Their Creator" may run contrary to the President's beliefs but it is our history. It all gets back to the examples above, the political class is constantly trying to control history, the lie, the information flow, and the decision process, all of which are detrimental to freedom.

* Orwell Quote: "There was no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live - did live, from habit that became instinct - in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized." * Obama Administration: Very simple analogy here, " the Patriot Act." Passed during the Bush Administrating and rubber stamped renewed under the Obama administration we are rapidly approaching this Orwellian world of surveillance. The scary thing is that Orwell probably did not imagine how many ways this quote could come true today. From getting access to our library records, tapping our phones, tracking our movements via our cell phone signal, monitoring our emails, observing our social network activity, watching us via thousands and thousands of public video cameras to easy to get warrants and wire taps, the pervasive intrusion into our lives by the political class is the Orwellian nightmare we face today, a reality not conducive to freedom at all.

* Orwell Quote: "Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." Obama Administration: the best example of Obama Orwellian thinking under this quote is the failed economic stimulus plan that Obama and the Democrats passed. The original purpose of the stimulus plan was to create jobs. When the stimulus money started to get spent but very few jobs were created, the * Obama administration changed gears and stated the economic stimulus package was to both create AND save jobs. However, when not many jobs were created AND saved, the administration came up with the term like jobs "affected" or "touched" by the economic stimulus package. Thus, if the first definition does not work, try a second definition and a third definition, etc., anything to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. In this case, the pure wind is the utter failure of the stimulus package to create solid jobs.

* Orwell Quote: "Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them." * Obama Administration: The best example here is the whole problem of illegal immigration and the immigration law passed this summer by Arizona, a law that was patterned after the existing Federal law regarding illegal immigration. The Obama administration has gone to court in an attempt to overturn a law that a state wants to use to return illegal immigrants to their respective countries, hopefully improving the living conditions of the state's citizens. At the same time, the Obama administration has been returning record numbers of illegal immigrants to their respective countries and has beefed up security along the Mexico/U.S. border. Sounds like Doublethink to me: from the Obama administrationn perspective, we will vilify the Arizona law for doing the same thing we are doing at the Federal level, i.e. returning illegal immigrants to their countries. Doing the same think but holding one effort as bad but the other effort as good.

* Orwell Quote: "Never again will you be capable of ordinary human feeling. Everything will be dead inside you. Never again will you be capable of love, or friendship, or joy of living, or laughter, or curiosity, or courage, or integrity. You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty and then we shall fill you with ourselves." * Obama Administration: This quote response is not just via the Obama administration but by the whole American political class. Right now, the politicians in this country control a large part of our retirement financials via Social Security, they control our retirement health care via Medicare, they control our personal wealth and income via dozens and dozens of government taxes and fees, they control the education of our kids via public schooling, they control a larger portion of our pre-retirement medical care via Obama Care, they control who we eventually get to vote for (via gerrymandering of Congressional districts, controlling of campaign financing sources, using taxpayer money to fund earmarks which are just campaign finance tools, etc.), they control and criminalize what substances we put into our bodies, they belittle us for daring to have a difference of opinion, and they control who gets certain rights based on sexual orientation. They use these forms of control t o drain us of our individuality in order to make us more controllable and reliant on their needs and desires. Orwell nailed this one right on the nose when describing life under our political class in American today.

Very scary stuff. As Orwell predicted, the United States and other democracies around the world are at risk of failing not because of some outside agency or foe but by the devious and dishonest manipulations of truth and the ever increasing control by our own political class. That is why every election now becomes so critical if we are to turn back our march towards "1984" and again become a free country, of the people by the people and for the people.

We no longer can allow the political class to control the debate, control the language and control our lives. That is why many changes need to be implemented as soon as possible:

- Reduce government's size by 10% a year for the next five years.

- Review and amend the Patriot Act to make it more freedom and liberty friendly.

- Stop gerrymandering Congressional districts to level the playing field between incumbents and new political candidates. Implement term limits to eliminate politics as a career opportunity.

- Bring home almost all of our foreign deployed troops and begin downsizing the military-industrial complex.

- Start reducing the deficit and the debt grip politicians will hold over us for decades to come.

- Repeal Obama Care and fix the health care crisis the right way, not the controlling political class way.

So much work to do and so little time to do it before Orwell proves himself right. We are living George Orwell's "1984" and it is disguised as Obama's 2010 agenda. Stop the madness, stop the doublespeak, stop the lies.


Two Foods To Shunned, if You Quickly Lose Weight

Each person is different, especially when they go on a weight loss plan. The "system" works for one person does not necessarily work for another person. Genetic or chemical composition can affect weight loss. Some people do very well on calorie counting diets, while others seem almost gain weight when they go on restrictive eating plans.

But there are two foods that, if you reduce or eliminate from your diet, you will lose weight, whatever your body type.

Processed carbohydrates

If you think about how the bread and pasta (carbohydrates the most popular processed) is made, you will realize how this food is fatal to healthy weight for your body. It does not matter if they end up on your table as wholemeal bread, brown rice or white Wonder Bread is treated the same way and contain the same basic density calories.

At the end of bread or pasta, grains start to be processed flour. Each of these grains of calories is like when you have a few grams of pasta or a slice of bread, you're really focused on eating calories in the form of granules. Then your body has to work hard to tackle and metabolic changes slowly as a result. Not only that, but all concentrated in grains causes insulin spike, which also slows down your metabolism.

One more reason for cereals to be eliminated from our diet is that our bodies were not designed to eat grains. However, our ancestors were able to find a way to treat them so we ended up with them in our diet. Through a complicated process, eating cereal proteins allows not digested in the body and can cause problems with your immune system. If the seeds can cause severe autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease is probably not a good idea to eat regularly in your diet. (Read Protein Power by Michael R. Eades LifePlan, Mary Dan Eades MD and MD. For more information.)


Dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt is not a good food to eat if you try to lose weight. It does not matter if it is low in fat, it is still fat. You already have fat on your body you are trying to lose weight, why would you eat more?

In addition, milk naturally has sugar in it, which means that insulin levels increase every time you drink. If the consumption of animal protein, your body receives a large amount of fat in these food sources. By reducing the amount of fat you eat, your body will use fat from your body to meet their needs to function and eventually you will lose weight.

Do not worry about depriving yourself. Remember that when you cut these foods, the goal is to lose weight. When you lose the weight you lose, you can add these foods back into moderation.


2013年12月24日 星期二

Health Food-Based

Attitude. Think about food in general. The most basic attitudes are expressed by the famous statement, "Some people eat to live, and some eat to live."

Eating is considered as a way to survive and a process that must be met in order to keep body and soul together, or that eating is an extraordinarily satisfying experience for the senses to be delivered at least 3 times a day more often if possible, or eating is a necessary function of nature that is both comfortable and functional, and should be considered part of our daily life and culture.

Depending on your particular personal opinion, you should either follow the tendency to pay greater focus on the mental power, or you prefer to stay in the moment, but the temporary comfort of familiar tastes and habits, without worrying that your food choices, quality, good or bad, and its influence on your health or your family.

If food is the sensory part of the ruling continues to eat and enjoy it as little thought and consideration of the subject as possible. In fact, you can find better if you stop reading this article and continue what they were doing.

However, ten to one that has found an interest in food has focused because you realize that not only sensory, but there are consequences arising from the nature and quantity of food you eat. And in our affluent society, the problem is more general, indulgence instead of not eating enough. In fact, many people are so fat, but instead to limit their intake of food, pay professionals to lose weight for them! When people are starving in other countries, we must never abuse our good fortune to replace our need, with such avidity.

If you can not accept that to use the natural rules for good health, we must begin to consider the amount of cut is the first consideration, there is a chance that you will continue to read more.

Some useful rules of nutrition

1. The first discipline is to quit in the medium term. Stop responding to the normal activity of their food purchases and preparation of food during meals. This will make an opportunity for a new interest in introducing new foods, to rethink old habits, re-evaluate what the needs are. Think about what you buy and what they eat. Decides to elect the quality, not quantity.

2. We all know that our body needs vitamins, minerals and natural substances to provide fuel for our physical and mental vitality, build and maintain our body structure and support all the wonderful complexity of physiological function. We need many ingredients in the sense of a great deal of variety in food, so our body has the ability to select the ingredients you need.

For the third balance your food choices, it is an interesting hypothesis and reasonable that we should reduce the amount of food we eat and deliver more, because we like their taste. Most nutritionists common response to hearing the advice to cut down on food, especially cheese, for example - "Oh, but I like cheese!"

The other part of discipline is to start introducing natural foods in the past, we have chosen to avoid. You can apply this policy to our advantage, not only to increase our health and energy but also extends our potential to enjoy a wide variety of foods.

4. Quantity of food is often a problem in the discipline. In developed countries, most of us eat too much, so for some time, we can reduce the amount of our meals without losing weight. The rule of one day meal can be different than our old way, but it seems to live in luxury in poor countries and in all circumstances. Try reducing the amount of food improves.

5. Food quality improves as you stop and consider each purchase in the markets and to the extent that you can grow your own organic food, to supplement commercial supplies. What is the origin of your choice lettuce, fish, fruits and nuts, pork chops, milk? There is nothing better than a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and as nature provides. Manufacture of food is always at the expense of its nutritional value. In other words, do not buy the best quality unless you remember that rule.

6th Fresh foods contain important nutrients. Cooking of any kind will affect these elements so that cooking should be minimized and salads, fruits and fresh rose. Do not use aluminum pans. Stainless steel is best.

Once someone begins to think before eating, we are half way to solving the food problem - that is increasingly demanding. We must choose wisely to build the body of the chosen material. We know that everything we eat today, largely determines our health in the future. This is undoubtedly the best health insurance easier and we could. It is not based on chance, but natural laws, we can learn to live.

Take responsibility for your health and other requirements of skills and serious recognition of the importance of their role. Work is likely to continue for many years, so it's best to find ways to enjoy the food and its preparation as an art form. It requires skills and the ability to buy fruits and vegetables of good quality for the presentation of food at meals.

It does not end here, without a reminder of the need for good digestion and health counseling for the traditional 32 chews each mouthful of food. Not only will this improve digestion, but add your own through the enjoyment of the taste buds happier.

So to improve their own health and that of the whole family by taking a serious interest in food will lead to many benefits, not only in better health for all, but can help you keep your money.


Two Foods To Shunned, if You Quickly Lose Weight

Each person is different, especially when they go on a weight loss plan. The "system" works for one person does not necessarily work for another person. Genetic or chemical composition can affect weight loss. Some people do very well on calorie counting diets, while others seem almost gain weight when they go on restrictive eating plans.

But there are two foods that, if you reduce or eliminate from your diet, you will lose weight, whatever your body type.

Processed carbohydrates

If you think about how the bread and pasta (carbohydrates the most popular processed) is made, you will realize how this food is fatal to healthy weight for your body. It does not matter if they end up on your table as wholemeal bread, brown rice or white Wonder Bread is treated the same way and contain the same basic density calories.

At the end of bread or pasta, grains start to be processed flour. Each of these grains of calories is like when you have a few grams of pasta or a slice of bread, you're really focused on eating calories in the form of granules. Then your body has to work hard to tackle and metabolic changes slowly as a result. Not only that, but all concentrated in grains causes insulin spike, which also slows down your metabolism.

One more reason for cereals to be eliminated from our diet is that our bodies were not designed to eat grains. However, our ancestors were able to find a way to treat them so we ended up with them in our diet. Through a complicated process, eating cereal proteins allows not digested in the body and can cause problems with your immune system. If the seeds can cause severe autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease is probably not a good idea to eat regularly in your diet. (Read Protein Power by Michael R. Eades LifePlan, Mary Dan Eades MD and MD. For more information.)


Dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt is not a good food to eat if you try to lose weight. It does not matter if it is low in fat, it is still fat. You already have fat on your body you are trying to lose weight, why would you eat more?

In addition, milk naturally has sugar in it, which means that insulin levels increase every time you drink. If the consumption of animal protein, your body receives a large amount of fat in these food sources. By reducing the amount of fat you eat, your body will use fat from your body to meet their needs to function and eventually you will lose weight.

Do not worry about depriving yourself. Remember that when you cut these foods, the goal is to lose weight. When you lose the weight you lose, you can add these foods back into moderation.


2013年12月23日 星期一

Health Food-Based

Attitude. Think about food in general. The most basic attitudes are expressed by the famous statement, "Some people eat to live, and some eat to live."

Eating is considered as a way to survive and a process that must be met in order to keep body and soul together, or that eating is an extraordinarily satisfying experience for the senses to be delivered at least 3 times a day more often if possible, or eating is a necessary function of nature that is both comfortable and functional, and should be considered part of our daily life and culture.

Depending on your particular personal opinion, you should either follow the tendency to pay greater focus on the mental power, or you prefer to stay in the moment, but the temporary comfort of familiar tastes and habits, without worrying that your food choices, quality, good or bad, and its influence on your health or your family.

If food is the sensory part of the ruling continues to eat and enjoy it as little thought and consideration of the subject as possible. In fact, you can find better if you stop reading this article and continue what they were doing.

However, ten to one that has found an interest in food has focused because you realize that not only sensory, but there are consequences arising from the nature and quantity of food you eat. And in our affluent society, the problem is more general, indulgence instead of not eating enough. In fact, many people are so fat, but instead to limit their intake of food, pay professionals to lose weight for them! When people are starving in other countries, we must never abuse our good fortune to replace our need, with such avidity.

If you can not accept that to use the natural rules for good health, we must begin to consider the amount of cut is the first consideration, there is a chance that you will continue to read more.

Some useful rules of nutrition

1. The first discipline is to quit in the medium term. Stop responding to the normal activity of their food purchases and preparation of food during meals. This will make an opportunity for a new interest in introducing new foods, to rethink old habits, re-evaluate what the needs are. Think about what you buy and what they eat. Decides to elect the quality, not quantity.

2. We all know that our body needs vitamins, minerals and natural substances to provide fuel for our physical and mental vitality, build and maintain our body structure and support all the wonderful complexity of physiological function. We need many ingredients in the sense of a great deal of variety in food, so our body has the ability to select the ingredients you need.

For the third balance your food choices, it is an interesting hypothesis and reasonable that we should reduce the amount of food we eat and deliver more, because we like their taste. Most nutritionists common response to hearing the advice to cut down on food, especially cheese, for example - "Oh, but I like cheese!"

The other part of discipline is to start introducing natural foods in the past, we have chosen to avoid. You can apply this policy to our advantage, not only to increase our health and energy but also extends our potential to enjoy a wide variety of foods.

4. Quantity of food is often a problem in the discipline. In developed countries, most of us eat too much, so for some time, we can reduce the amount of our meals without losing weight. The rule of one day meal can be different than our old way, but it seems to live in luxury in poor countries and in all circumstances. Try reducing the amount of food improves.

5. Food quality improves as you stop and consider each purchase in the markets and to the extent that you can grow your own organic food, to supplement commercial supplies. What is the origin of your choice lettuce, fish, fruits and nuts, pork chops, milk? There is nothing better than a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and as nature provides. Manufacture of food is always at the expense of its nutritional value. In other words, do not buy the best quality unless you remember that rule.

6th Fresh foods contain important nutrients. Cooking of any kind will affect these elements so that cooking should be minimized and salads, fruits and fresh rose. Do not use aluminum pans. Stainless steel is best.

Once someone begins to think before eating, we are half way to solving the food problem - that is increasingly demanding. We must choose wisely to build the body of the chosen material. We know that everything we eat today, largely determines our health in the future. This is undoubtedly the best health insurance easier and we could. It is not based on chance, but natural laws, we can learn to live.

Take responsibility for your health and other requirements of skills and serious recognition of the importance of their role. Work is likely to continue for many years, so it's best to find ways to enjoy the food and its preparation as an art form. It requires skills and the ability to buy fruits and vegetables of good quality for the presentation of food at meals.

It does not end here, without a reminder of the need for good digestion and health counseling for the traditional 32 chews each mouthful of food. Not only will this improve digestion, but add your own through the enjoyment of the taste buds happier.

So to improve their own health and that of the whole family by taking a serious interest in food will lead to many benefits, not only in better health for all, but can help you keep your money.


Prevent Global Warming In 2012

Everyone is different, especially when they go on a weight loss. The "system" works for one person does not necessarily work for another person. Your genetic or chemical composition can affect how you lose weight. Some people do very well on calorie counting diet, while others seem almost gain weight when they go on restrictive eating plans.

But there are two food if you reduce or eliminate from your diet, you will lose, regardless of your fitness.

Processed carbohydrates

If you think about how the bread and pasta (carbohydrates the most popular processed) is made, you will realize how this food is fatal to healthy weight for your body. It does not matter if they end up on your table as wholemeal bread, brown rice or white Wonder Bread is treated the same way and contain the same basic density calories.

At the end of bread or pasta, grains start to be processed flour. Each of these grains of calories is like when you have a few grams of pasta or a slice of bread, you have global warming has become perhaps the most complex problems of world leaders. On the other hand, the warnings of the scientific community is becoming increasingly difficult due to the increasing number of scientific information increases the risk of continuous accumulation of greenhouse gases related to human - is produced mainly from fossil fuels and forests. On the other hand, the technological, economic and political problems that must be resolved before a joint effort to reduce global emissions would need to start easier, especially in the face of global economic slowdown.

Global climate change negotiations opened in Cancun, Mexico in late 2010 with the most difficult issues unresolved, and the conference has produced modest agreements. But while the measures taken in Cancun, under the auspices of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is likely to have little short term impact on global warming, the international process to address the issue received a vote of confidence. The next round will take place in December 2011 in Durban, South Africa.

The Cancun agreement fell far short of the big changes scientists say are necessary to avoid dangerous climate change in coming decades. But he laid the foundation for increased efforts in the future if nations are able to overcome the emotional arguments that have paralyzed the climate talks in recent years. The package, known as the agreements of Cancun, has given more than 190 countries attending the conference until December 2011 to decide to extend the frayed Kyoto Protocol, the 1997 agreement which requires rich nations to reduce their emissions while providing assistance to developing countries to adopt a clean energy future.

In the center of international debate is a memorable confrontation between rich and poor first speeding and who pays for most of the menus of energy has changed.

In the United States in January 2011 the Environmental Protection Agency began implementing regulations related to greenhouse gas emissions. The immediate effect on utilities, refineries and large manufacturers were minor, with the new rules apply only to those planning to build large new facilities or major changes in existing facilities. Over the next ten years, however, the Agency plans to regulate virtually all sources of greenhouse gas emissions, extreme efficiency and emissions requirements in almost all sectors and all regions.

Barack Obama has promised as a candidate that the U.S. would in the way of the fight against climate change by reducing carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gas pollutants. Congress offered latitude range of climate change legislation, but held in reserve the threat of EPA regulations, but to act. The deeply polarized Senate's refusal to pass climate change legislation essentially called his bluff.

But working through the EPA led to a confrontation between the administration and Republicans who have considerable risk for both parties. The administration had to retreat somewhat from its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In September 2011 Obama rejected a proposed EPA rule, which would reduce ozone pollution, saying it would cause too heavy a burden for local authorities in the industry and a time of economic distress. And Republicans in Congress moving too aggressive in their attempts to handcuff EPA could cause an outcry popular, they are a danger to public health in the service of their net worth clients with concentrated calories industry.eating grain. So your body must work hard to treat, and your metabolism is slow as a result. Not only that, but all concentrated grains cause your insulin to spike, which will also slow down your metabolism.

One more reason for cereals to be eliminated from our diet is that our bodies were not designed to eat grains. However, our ancestors were able to find a way to treat them so we ended up with them in our diet. Through a complicated process, eating cereal proteins allows not digested in the body and can cause problems with your immune system. If the seeds can cause severe autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease is probably not a good idea to eat regularly in your diet. (Read Protein Power by Michael R. Eades LifePlan, Mary Dan Eades MD and MD. For more information.)


Dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt are good foods to eat, if you are trying to lose weight. It does not matter if it is low in fat, it's still fat. You already have the fat in your body that you are trying to lose, why do not you eat more?

In addition, milk naturally has sugar in it, which means that insulin levels increase every time you drink. If the consumption of animal protein, your body receives a large amount of fat in these food sources. By reducing the amount of fat you eat, your body will use fat from your body to meet their needs to function and eventually you will lose weight.

Do not worry about depriving yourself. Remember that when you cut down on these foods, the goal is to lose weight. When you lose the weight you want to lose weight, you can add these foods back to moderation.


2013年12月22日 星期日

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cooking in a Convection Oven

Over the last few years, convection ovens have become all the rage! Just what makes a convection oven different from a conventional oven?

Unlike a conventional oven, a convection oven has a fan which allows hot air to circulate throughout the oven, allowing food to cook 25 percent faster. Not only that but it also allows food to cook more evenly while preserving the flavor better. In addition, foods cooked in a convection oven maintain more of their vitamins and nutrients which is a real health bonus. The results are juicier pieces of meat that taste better and are better for you.

When cooking in a convection oven, you aren't just restricted to cooking meats. You can cook just about anything in this trendy oven and have it come out juicier and more evenly cooked.

One disadvantages of a convection oven over a more conventional oven is the convection oven tends to be more expensive, although many people find the cost savings and the better quality of cuisine produced more than makes up for the price difference.

If you decide you want to give one of these little kitchen marvels a try in your home, you need to know how to choose one that meets your needs.

Convection ovens can be bought in the form of ovens which are built into your wall. These are usually available in widths of from 2 to 3 feet. You can also find them in the form of gas or electric ranges in widths of 30 inches, 48 inches, and 60 inches. Generally the 48 and 60 inch models house two convection ovens. You can also buy a countertop unit which may limit the size or amount of food you can cook at one time. The full-size ovens generally have superior heat circulation and are often self cleaning, giving them an advantage over the countertop units.

When shopping for a convection oven be sure to ask about features such as whether the model is self cleaning, has adjustable racks, the ease of cleaning, what type of alarms are available to let you know a cycle is complete, how much space the model will take up in your kitchen, what type of warranty is available.

Over the last few years, convection ovens have become all the rage! Just what makes a convection oven different from a conventional oven?

Unlike a conventional oven, a convection oven has a fan which allows hot air to circulate throughout the oven, allowing food to cook 25 percent faster. Not only that but it also allows food to cook more evenly while preserving the flavor better. In addition, foods cooked in a convection oven maintain more of their vitamins and nutrients which is a real health bonus. The results are juicier pieces of meat that taste better and are better for you.

When cooking in a convection oven, you aren't just restricted to cooking meats. You can cook just about anything in this trendy oven and have it come out juicier and more evenly cooked.

One disadvantages of a convection oven over a more conventional oven is the convection oven tends to be more expensive, although many people find the cost savings and the better quality of cuisine produced more than makes up for the price difference.

If you decide you want to give one of these little kitchen marvels a try in your home, you need to know how to choose one that meets your needs.Convection ovens can be bought in the form of ovens which are built into your wall. These are usually available in widths of from 2 to 3 feet. You can also find them in the form of gas or electric ranges in widths of 30 inches, 48 inches, and 60 inches. Generally the 48 and 60 inch models house two convection ovens. You can also buy a countertop unit which may limit the size or amount of food you can cook at one time. The full-size ovens generally have superior heat circulation and are often self cleaning, giving them an advantage over the countertop units.

When shopping for a convection oven be sure to ask about features such as whether the model is self cleaning, has adjustable racks, the ease of cleaning, what type of alarms are available to let you know a cycle is complete, how much space the model will take up in your kitchen, what type of warranty is available.


Complimentary Therapies Enhance Addiction Treatment

The cornerstone of the model relies primarily on talk therapy and that addictive behavior is the result of psychological dependencies which cause a person to rely on drugs and alcohol. The belief is that addiction is the sole result of mental needs. However, current research is supporting that those suffering from addiction have chemical imbalances that lead to physiological differences. As we learn more about the types of chemical imbalances that lead to addictive behavior, we are able to address them through natural means. InnerBalance Health Center in Northern Colorado along with other similar types of treatment facilities are achieving outstanding success. This contrasts sharply with the traditional treatment success rates of approximately 20 percent. In a commonly cited study, Vaillant (1983) conducted a long-term research project following a cohort of alcoholics and concluded that only 19 percent of the alcoholics abstained from alcohol after a one year period and a dismal 5 percent abstained after 8 years. Another study by Walsh et al. (1991) found that 23 percent of the alcoholics studied reported abstaining after two years. Numerous studies report similar results which leads one to wonder why abstinence rates are so low and why treatment methods have not evolved to continually improve upon existing techniques and treatment effectiveness. Clearly, there is room for improvement. Only recently have researchers begun to explore a more holistic approach to the treatment of drug and alcohol abuse. Biochemical Repair has been identified as the missing link in successful addiction treatment. Researchers have found that a number of genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies and medical conditions contribute to the physical and psychological drive to self-medicate using drugs and alcohol. Over the last seven years 98% of the alcoholics at InnerBalance have been tested positive for hypoglycemia coming primarily from a poor diet and the overuse of sugar and simple carbohydrates. If a person does not correct this, they can have anywhere from some to several to all of the 64 symptoms of hypoglycemiaincluding depression, dizziness and fatigue--eventually making it very difficult to stay sober. Traditional addiction treatment focuses solely on the psychological and emotion issues leading to drug and alcohol use. Talk therapy is a very important component in recove ry but it is ineffective as a single treatment strategy. Likewise, just managing the biochemical portion alone is ineffective and does not equip a person with the mental tools and lifestyle improvements to maintain sobriety. However, this synergy of biochemical repair and talk therapy has resulted in tremendous success among addicted individuals. For long term success, nutritional and fitness counseling is also included in a comprehensive treatment program. Individuals are more likely to develop an addiction, or return to drugs and alcohol, if they suffer from underlying physiological imbalances. Rather than correct these imbalances with pharmaceuticals, more and more centers are achieving success through more natural means such as nutritional counseling, natural supplements and personalized fitness plans. Treatment programs like InnerBalance Health Center seek to assist clients by giving them tools to improve both their emotional and physical well being. When complementary treatments are used in conjunction with group counseling, clients have a higher chance of long-term recovery. I was in and out of many centers for treatment, with some short term help but no long term solutions, reported Bob, a former client. The other treatment centers only focused on two thingsthe mind and the spiritand completely ignored the body. Therefore, there was no success in the long run. There was no comparison to the other type of treatment center. InnerBalance was much father ahead. Biochemical repair methods of replacement therapy involve the use of IV drips to supply amino acid, vitamin and mineral supplements which rapidly restore health. Clients find relief from withdrawal symptoms and receive a boost to their overall health almost immediately. At InnerBalance Health Center, clients also ha ve membership to a health club. Incorporating yoga, meditation and exercise in the treatment plan provides clients with additional tools for managing stress. The transformations we see with patients are remarkable. Not only are cravings significantly reduced but our patients report significant improvements in almost all aspects of their life. Armed with this new-found confidence and improved health, our patients are much better prepared to handle the long-term recovery of permanent abstinence from drugs and alcohol. They are educated on the benefits of certain nutritional supplements and physical activity. Through talk therapy, clients have the psychological support necessary to help them handle the stresses that life can bring. Treatment centers that incorporate biochemical restoration practice in the theory that addiction is the result of unbalanced chemical messengers in the brain. Researcher Kenneth Blum described this as reward deficiency syndrome. Addicts seek out stimulus to make themselves feel better. Their brain chemistry requires different levels of stimuli than non-addicts to feel good. In biochemical repair, clients receive individualized medical assessments and customized biochemical treatment regiments. Initially, a series of medically supervised laboratory test are run to identify problematic factors such as hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, vitamin and mineral deficiencies or toxicities, excessive metals, food allergies and histamine levels. Amino acid and hormonal imbalances are also identified. The test results are interpreted by physicians and individualized health plans are created to correct imbalances. Symptoms of these imbalances include: inability to concentrate, anxiety, depres sion, poor memory, headaches, blurred vision, indigestion, nervousness, mood swings, racing thoughts and fatigue. Appropriate vitamin, mineral, amino acid and hormone replacement therapies are then used to correct deficiencies and provide relief from the symptoms. For example if a person has high histamine, neurons in the brain fire excessively which causes racing thoughts resulting in insomnia, extreme anxiety, difficulty concentrating and compulsive behavior. To address this condition, a patient would be given the amino acid L-Methionine to bring down histamine levels which dramatically reduces or eliminates the symptoms. These treatment formulas are natural chemicals essential to good health. Biochemical repair can trigger dramatic changes in the body and improve total health and well-being. I am sober, healthy and happy now, said Linda. I can really enjoy my life again. People struggling with addiction have a better chance of maintaining long-term sobriety when treatment centers employ a complete recovery plan incorporating biochemical repair, talk therapy and strategies for a healthy lifestyle including nutrition and exercise. For decades, many treatment centers have been relying solely on talk therapy and have accepted the dismal success rates. By incorporating the missing link of biochemical repair, success rates can be significantly improved.
