2013年11月6日 星期三

Weight Loss: Tips on How to shed Extra Pounds in Two Days

The holiday season calorie laden foods left some of us sluggish and bloated. However, it should not be too difficult to work out a diet plan that will help you shed those extra pounds. Below are easy tips on how to shed your holiday pounds in 2 days and be thinner, at work, on Monday morning.

Your post-holiday slimming program should begin with the creation of a diet plan. A healthy diet plan that you can easily stick with can help you achieve your weight goal. To know the number of calories you require to attain the weight you desire makes the process manageable. A normal healthy diet is made of 4 servings of protein, 5 servings of carbohydrates, 4 servings of fruit, 4 servings of vegetables, and 3 servings of fat. Try to calculate the results you hope to see on the scale.

Then add aerobics as your form of exercise. The plan is effective if you leave out dinners, birthday shindigs, Sunday brunch, and trips to the fridge.

To begin, weigh yourself in the morning. The number you see on the scale may keep you from taking a second helping of potatoes in the night. One of the bedrocks of weight loss is accountability. Therefore, I insist that you check the scale daily.

Have a bowl of high-fiber cereal. Do not skip. The fiber in cereals will keep your tummy happier for longer hours. Add fresh and dried fruit, peas, beans and lentils, seeds and nuts. High fiber foods take longer to chew making you enjoy your food more.

Exercise for half an hour if you have to play with your kids, clean the house or run errands. Otherwise, one hour of work out following an exercise video, designed to give you maximum calorie burn, is beneficial. It is not easy, but you will feel physically better, and emotionally secure after the calisthenics.

Eat a portion of lunch at noon. A portion should be 2 slices of whole wheat bread and two ounces of your favorite deli chicken or turkey breast. Add a lot of lettuce, tomatoes and some Dijon mustard. You can also have two kinds of fruits and a glass of fat-free milk or a light yogurt. Dairy is a hunger buster. The protein in dairy promotes feeling of fullness for longer period, in so doing reduces the urge to eat again almost immediately.

Serve yourself large low-calorie salad, straight veggies topped with one tablespoon of light dressing, in the evening. Go easy on the bread because white flour does not make you feel as full as other foods do. You may have one roll and keep the rest for the others.

Concentrate on portion control. Serve your meal on a smaller plate. Use a luncheon or salad plate for dinner. That way, you will not think that enormous portions are normal size. Do not eat everything that is on the table. Sometimes, we eat just because the food looks good and is in front of us. This time set a goal before you start your meal.

Keep a food journal of your make-over-fitness. Increase your water intake and stay away from high calorie drinks. Build your meals around fruits and vegetables. Also, if you do not like eating your raw vegetables, try steaming them.

Always start your day with a healthy breakfast. Do exercises regularly and introduce more salads including three servings of dairy to your daily meals. The maximum amount of body fat a healthy person can lose is about 3 to 4 pounds per week. Therefore, a woman of average weight can lose a maximum of about 1 to 1.5 pounds per week.


