Over time general living causes damage to your body and there comes a time when our bodies tell us that we need to address some issues.
The visible health issues can be dealt with quite easily and as they are visible you think you can monitor the results. It is the mental and emotional health issues that are harder to recognise and then more difficult to resolve.
We know that mental and emotional health and wellbeing are essential for you to be able to live fully and realize your potential in all areas of your life.
In this article we are looking at the mental and emotional health issues that are very common but rarely spoken about and specifically depression.
A Three Step process For Dealing With Depression
To deal with depression may not be easy and circumstances vary so much that there is never a "one size fits all" answer to this. We do not believe in the philosophy that depression is an illness that cannot be cured; however it may be an illness that is hard to cure using drugs and medications.
The first thing we must understand is there are some common things with depression. The first step in finding your way forward and to happiness is to identify some of the reasons for depression.
Secondly we must understand what we are striving for - knowing what stable mental and emotional health incorporates and the emotional well-being that allows you the flexibility in dealing with life's little and big challenges.
And then we must understand what we need to do to bridge the gap between being in a state of depression to that of stable mental and emotional health.
What Really Is Depression?
Depression is a state of a low mood and aversion to activity.
Many may consider it a dysfunction, while others see it as an adaptive defence mechanism that your body adopts to cope with stressful or deemed stressful situations.
Depression is big problem in the world today with about 340 million people in the world suffer from depression. The ratio of males and females differs with 1 out of 4 women and 1 out of 10 men suffering from depression.
Biological influences of depression include malnutrition, heredity, hormones, seasons, stress, illness, drug or alcohol consumption, neurotransmitter malfunction, long-term exposure to dampness and mold, back injury, and aerosol exposure. Long term sleep difficulties also trigger depression.
Almost 90% of patients with depression are found to have sleep disorders. Recent studies have suggested that imbalances in Serotonin and Norepinephrine (neurotransmitters that allow brain cells to communicate with one another) is said to be the major physiological factor that triggers depression.
Causes of Depression can include unpleasant family history, pessimistic personality, trauma, stress, physical conditions, and other underlying psychological disorders.
Some stressful events such as loss of a loved one, marital stress, break up of a romantic relationship or divorce, job anxiety, loss of a job can jumpstart a depression episode.
In females there is a high instance of depression following childbirth - post-natal depression.
Symptoms may include changes in appetite and sleeping patterns, feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, inappropriate guilt, loss of interest or pleasure in formerly important activities, fatigue, inability to concentrate, overwhelming sadness, disturbed thinking, physical symptoms such as headaches or stomach aches, and suicidal thoughts or behaviors.
You could be diagnosed with Clinical Depression if four or more of these symptoms have been continually observed for more than two weeks. This stage of depression already requires some serious treatment.
The more critical state, termed as Major Depression, manifests more serious symptoms such as inactivity, memory problems, crying for no apparent reason, and inability to drag yourself out of bed.
Statistics state that Major Depression usually strikes people between the ages of 25 and 44. Depression can lead onto physical abuse, alcoholism, anxiety, work-related problems, family conflicts, interpersonal difficulties, social isolation, and health problems such as cardiovascular diseases and digestive disorders.
Depression can sometimes also suppress your immune system making you more prone to other diseases.
Life Of Stable Mental And Emotional Health
The World Health Organization defines mental health as "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community."
Stable mental and emotional health may lead to general productivity in life. It is a positive attribute when each individual must have to ensure proper function and efficiency.
As stable mental and emotional health incorporates your emotional well-being and allows you the flexibility in dealing with life's little and big challenges.
Your mental and emotional health influences how you feel about yourself, how you hold control over your feelings, manage your relationships, and deal with your undertakings.
This will directly affect other aspects of life such as work performance, your physical condition, and your self-acceptance. How you see your own mental and emotional health creates a state of mind that can either have a positive effect on your life or a negative effect on your life.
Good mental and emotional health is more than being without a history of mental health problems or being free from stress and depression, anxiety, or other psychological issues. It is about having zest for life!
Your Mental And Emotional Health
A state of long-lasting happiness or felicity is a state of mind we all strive for. From when we were young children our stories of princes and princesses always ended with them living happily ever after.
You know that exciting events may cheer you up and provide more inspiration for life, but it is also inevitable that unwanted events may happen anytime.
These are the times when our mental and emotional health is tested.
These events may become the stimuli or trigger points for mood swings, sadness, or depressed state.
A person with good mental state and emotional stability is able to rationalize and therefore able to keep focused and retain composure during these challenging times.
People who are emotionally and mentally healthy have characteristics like flexibility and creativity for coping with difficult situations and are able to control emotions which are vital for happiness.
Think Of A Rafting Trip
To a person in a good positive state of mind the rapids are exiting and exhilarating and will be the most memorable part of the trip. The quietly flowing part of the river could be deemed a little boring.
But then to a person in a negative state of mind the rapids are the worse part of the trip and that person will hate every minute of it. They may be very anxious and scared and unable to see how this could be fun for anyone.
In very extreme cases people with a negative state of mind think they are going to die and may therefore may be a liability to the other members of the trip - they can easily fall into a depressed state and feel abnormal and an outcast.
Good Mental Health Is Critical
Mental and emotional health and wellbeing are essential for you to be able to live fully and realize your potential in all areas of your life.
Here are a few common attributes for determining your state of mental and emotional health;
Sense of real contentment
Sense of meaning and purpose
Sense of real self-worth
Enthusiasm for living and trying new things
Ability to build and maintain fulfilling relationships
Ability to have lots of fun
Ability to deal with stress
Ability to recover from adversity
Ability to adapt to change
Balance in life's aspects (work, rest, socialization and privacy)
Speedy recovery from when physically sick
A Good Emotional State Of Mind = A Good Mood = Better Mental And Emotional Health
Depression To Better Mental And Emotional Health
Treating With Medication And Drugs
Western Medicine relies on aggressive and costly prescription drugs to deal with mood disorders and mental health problems such as depression.
These methods generally address only the symptoms and not the underlying causes.
As soon as you stop using the drugs, the problem returns! Often these prescription drugs often result in unwanted and even dangerous side effects including accelerating aging and increasing risks of more serious diseases.
Treating With A Healthy Alternative Treatment
Herbal Supplements - to help assist body to be positively healthy we suggest an Ayurvedic medicine known as Cosmic Joy which is a supplement taken daily in tablet form that releases hundreds of phytonutrients that act at the molecular level to soothe your nervous system, restore proper brain function, and prevent mental deterioration.
Cosmic Joy calms your mind, normalizes your blood pressure, and provides a natural sedation to promote good sleep which together will enhance your mental wellbeing - to resolve any mind body problem.
Cosmic Joy will treat the underlying causes of recurring illnesses for better mental and emotional health.
Cosmic Joy works to treat the real cause of unhappiness and your emotional health - not just the symptoms!
Getting Healthy Sleep
Lack of sleep results in feelings of irritability and body weakening. This is in proportion to how much you allowed your body to rest and heal itself overnight.
Sleep deprivation raises risks of inability to concentrate and memory problems.
Your sleep quantity and sleep quality has direct relation to changes in the balance of major neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, melatonin and others. Relearning a good sleep habit accompanied by relaxation techniques comprise a good therapy for depression.
Start by going to bed and getting up the same time each day. People who enjoy 7 plus hours of sleep per night are more likely to experience excellent mood the next day.
Exercising Regularly
As with most health conditions exercise helps enormously.
Exercise can work as well or even better than antidepressants.
Incorporating exercise into your everyday routine will uplift you emotionally while improving your general health; this accelerates your recovery from depression.
A walk and other cardiovascular exercises are excellent for improving your heart rate and elevating production of endorphins - natural pain medication hormones that help you feel better and improve your mood.
Get Optimistic
This can sometimes seem a hard thing to do, but being optimistic whenever possible is one of the most beneficial things to change your mood.
Think of the "glass being half full" (a positive) verus "the glass being half empty" (a negative). Sounds simple so give it a try - make an effort to change your thinking and congratulate yourself when you do.
Learn to increase positive thoughts and kill the negative thoughts before they accumulate and bring you to a depressed mood.
Switch your bad thoughts to upbeat and uplifting thoughts. Maintain a daily record of each switch from negative to positive thought.
Try to decrease the number of times you need to switch until you are able to develop positive perspectives in all your dealings from the start and over time this thought process will become automatic.
We know that mental and emotional health and wellbeing are essential for you to be able to really live a full life.