Are you a recent college graduate looking for that dream summer back packing across Europe? A young adventurer who wants to re-trace the steps of Genghis Khan? A middle aged individual who is years overdue on a really good vacation? For many individuals, a truly great vacation includes traveling. Getting away means just that, getting away. But there is one major detail that many individuals tend to ignore that they shouldn't: travel health insurance in case of emergency.
It's funny how so many people think of the importance of having health insurance at home, where they even know doctors and hospitals, yet then they leave to take a trip overseas and don't have any coverage at all. How can you leave your country without health insurance?
Contrary to popular belief, many plans do not cover you outside of the US. The last thing you need is to be stuck in a foreign emergency room with a broken arm, strange rash, or dysentery without any protection of health insurance and any ability to pay for service. Even things as small as rashes or infections can become a very big deal.
Travel health insurance has other benefits beyond just its obvious name. Don't think of travel health insurance as just being health insurance for overseas, but think of it as kind of an overarching insurance that happens to include health. Many of these plans are cheap, and not only do they cover important fees such as hospital and medical expenses, but also things like lost luggage, trip cancellation, emergency dental work, evacuation, and even accidental death. If you can get all of this coverage for a cheap price, why would you even consider leaving without it? You can buy the policy, get an insurance card and an emergency number to call, and that's it. You now have peace of mind.
When contemplating travel health insurance, many people only think of small things that don't really matter in the larger picture: loss of money, stolen camera, or stolen luggage. Illness and accidents are possible realities wherever you go, and need to be accounted for. This is the purpose of travel insurance. To define it succinctly: travel health insurance is a policy specifically designed to protect and cover you from any and all possible risk you might run into while traveling abroad.
Travel health insurance is a great policy, and generally is very cheap. Most likely, and obviously you hope, that during a vacation overseas nothing will go wrong and you will enjoy a trip that will create memories worth lasting for a life time. But peace of mind is a good thing to have, and just in case things go wrong you want to have a plan in case a dream vacation ends up turning its head towards being an ugly nightmare.
Travel health insurance gives you this option, covering you in almost any event and helping to give a security abroad that you would hope to have even if you never left your front door. So find a good policy, and enjoy the trip!