2013年7月12日 星期五

Get Rid Of Love Handles - How To Lose Love Handles

Now that you are here kudos for you! But feel free to leave this page if you are one of those people who doubt everything in life because whatever we tell you, you will be one of those individuals who will not follow through. For those of you who are ready to make an easy commitment to get rid of love handles, we welcome you with this free information!

This article, if read in its whole entirely; will help you get rid of love handles. Feel free to share this article with friends or family members but all I ask is that this article is in no way altered.

So, how to lose love handles? To get rid of love handles we first need to map out our plan. This outline will be our guide and help keep us from straying off of our path or goal.

Step 1: To Get Rid Of Love Handles, We Need To Change Our Eating Habits.

What we mean by changing our eating habits is what we eat and when we eat it. Take down sheet of paper and write down just off the top of your head any bad eating habits you might have. As an example, buying a large bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and finishing it off in a few days or eating a couple before you go to bed will not help you get rid of love handles. In this example, it is in the best of interest to completely refrain from buying a large bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups when you're at the grocery store. If you want to get rid of love handles, then commit yourself to one month with no junk foods such as a large bag of chocolate.

Step 2: Fuel Your Body to Help Burn Fat Faster!

We are going to use a train that runs off of coal in this next example. Obviously a coal train operates or runs off of coal right? Ok so what happens if the coal train is running low on coal? The train will begin to run slow and not perform at its max peak. Now feed more coal into the train and it will run faster! Our bodies work the same way. Our metabolism is the coal train and the more we eat, the faster our metabolism works. But the problem is you need to eat healthy to get rid of love handles.

Step 3: Eat Healthy Foods to Help Get Rid Of Love Handles.

In step 2, we discussed fueling your body to help burn fat faster. Here in step 3, we will talk about some foods that help fuel your metabolism level which will help us to get rid of love handles. Foods that fuel our metabolism are fruits and vegetables. Dieting experts recommend eating 2-3 fruits and 3 servings of vegetables. Eating fruits and vegetables will also decrease the amount of calories you intake but additionally, keep you hydrated!

Step 4: How to Get Rid Of Love Handles, You Will Need to Drink a Lot of Water!

So the next time you go to the restroom, observe the color of your urine. If it is any color other than clear, then you are not hydrating yourself properly. You need to drink nine 8oz glasses of water per day. It is very important to keep our bodies hydrated. Some of you already may know, but our bodies make up a little over 50% of our body weight.

It is important to keep your body hydrated because you body will store excess water making you bloated. Water is a very important nutrient in our bodies; it helps aid passage from foods that we eat to our digestive system as well as delivering human waste out of our bodies.

Step 5

: Really Want To Know How To Lose Love Handles, Seek Alternative Weight Loss Substitutes.

Have you wonder does hoodia really helps you lose weight or do weight loss patches actually work? The clear answer here is yes but not all actually will work. Weight loss has become a billion dollar industry and there are a lot of companies if that's what they even are that will sell you fake products. So, you have to know what is genuine and what a fake is. Many alternative weight loss products can actually help you lose 3-5 pound a week alone! Well, we have taken research for you and provided you with eight sure shot alternative weight loss products that work! Go to: The Guaranteed Diet Solution to pick which alternative weight loss aid that will work best for you.

Step 6: How to Lose Love Handles, Exercise!

Whether your favorite exercise is walking, jogging, doing sit ups, or running on a treadmill to lose weight, kudos for you. Many people do not like to exercise but there are other options that will help you get rid of love handles.

We will show you an alternative way how to lose love handles in a minute. But first, if you are someone who does not mind getting a little sweaty from exercising then what we need to do is first start off by choosing your favorite exercise.

So as an example, if your favorite exercise to lose weight or help you get rid of love handles is sit ups then we will need to make some modifications. So normally you might do 20 sit ups but now, we will push ourselves to do an extra 10 sit ups. ; doing this everyday will increase the amount of fat that you burn.

Step 7: An Alternative Way to Get Rid Of Love Handles.

As discussed briefly in Step 6, we mentioned alternative ways to get rid of love handles. Being that you are someone like many who frown at the word exercise for various reasons like health issues, we will show you easier ways to help get rid of love handles.

1.) If you work in an office at a desk, try standing instead of sitting down all day. Standing while you are at work will surely help you get rid of love handles. Compared to just sitting, you are burning twice as much calories standing at your office desk.

2.) When you go to the grocery store, do not find the closet parking slot in the front. Instead, park all the way in the back of the parking lot making you walk farther to and from.

3.) Research has shown that just walking only two flights of stairs everyday will cause you to lose 50 pounds! Now not all of us can do that but with that in mind, try taking the stairs at work or at the mall instead of taking the elevator or riding an escalator.

Step 8: Stop Eating At Fast Food Restaurants To Get Rid Of Love Handles!

If you really want to know how to lose love handles, then this may be your best advice. Most food at fast food chains contains a lot of fat and grease. A lot of the fat consumed will go straight to your love handles. That is one reason why it is hard to get rid of love handles.

When you are on your lunch break at work, take 30 minutes to eat lunch. By now, you have already had your three fruits and now it is time for your vegetables. So after eating your veggies for lunch, take the last 30 minutes of your lunch break to take a walk.

Step 9: Keep The Weight Off!

Kudos for you! By now, you have not only lost weight but you learned how to get rid of love handles! The next trick is to keep it off because after committing yourself to several weeks of hard work, you do not want to go back to where you were.

This concludes this article to get rid of love handles and now that you have learned how lose love handles, do yourself a favor and keep it off!


