2012年9月24日 星期一

How to Boost Metabolism

There are many people who are looking to increase their body's metabolism. You may be thinking "What is metabolism?" Metabolism is the rate that the body produces and consumes the energy and calories that helps to support it's life. A high level of metabolism will help you to burn fat and lose weight with a lesser amount of activity.

Your metabolism can be affected in a few ways. It can be affected by genetics, stress levels, muscle tissue, how often you eat a meal, personal diet, and the level of activities you do. When your metabolism is affected, it may slow down. The factors that may contribute to the slowing of metabolism include the following:

The decrease of physical activity (which does come naturally as we grow older).

The loss of muscle due to the lack of physical activity.

When there is not enough food energy, the body may begin to cannibalize its own tissue.

If you are a little worried after reading this, don't be. You can increase your metabolism. Here are a few tips on how to boost your metabolism.

1. Build your body mass up and keep it healthy. Your metabolism decreasing with age is natural. However, you can still counter the effects. Being able to burn calories and lose weight does depend on the amount of muscle you have. So getting the exercise you need is very important. Work out at least twice a week, and try to use weights. This will help you to build strength and resistance. Between the workouts, try to do simple exercises. This can include walking the dog, using the stairs instead of escalators and elevators, walking up the street to the store during the day instead of using the car. Simple tasks such as these can help to take off calories. The key is to balance out the right amount of eating and activity. Here are a few tips to help you get the right amount of exercise.

Here are a few tips for strength training:

A. Increase how many times you repeat a specific exercise.

B. Add the level of resistance.

C. If possible, use more advances exercise techniques.

Here are a few tips for cardiovascular training:

A. Take a break between the exercises.

B. Try cross-training and combine the exercises.

C. Use resistance and speed.

2. Eat breakfast, as it is the most important meal of the day. If you wait until later in the day to eat breakfast or skip it altogether, your metabolism will slow down to a great extent.

3. Try to avoid sugar. Sugar will enable the body to store fat. You should try to eat food that will help you to maintain an even level of blood-sugar. This along with exercising two to three times a week will help you to stabilize the blood sugar.

4. If it is possible for your health and diet, try to eat spicy foods. A hot meal with peppers can increase your metabolism.

5. Get more sleep. Your body needs the right amount of sleep to rest and stay healthy. During the last few hours of sleep, the muscles will be able to become restored.

6. Drink more water. Drinking water will flush out the toxins that are developed whenever the body burns fat. Most of the body's functions involve and need water. So not drinking enough water can cause the body system's operation to decrease its speed. This will then turn into stress that you just do not need.

7. Eat smaller meals. You should try to eat four to six meals that are about two to three hours apart.

8. Do not skip meals if you can help it. Some people may skip meals in order to lose a little weight, but this will slow down the metabolism.

9. Plan out your meals in detail. Try to prepare the right amount of food to be eaten at specific times. Do not make a mistake of eating your meals in irregular patterns.

10. Eliminate the stress! Both physical and emotional stress are unhealthy and just not any fun to deal with. In addition, they both cause the steroid cortisol to be released in the body. This will decrease your metabolism.

11. Drink some green tea. Tea can stimulate metabolism and does not have any unwanted side effects when too much is consumed. In fact, green tea can actually be used as a substitute for coffee.

12. Add more energy foods into your diet. This can include healthy food such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and beans.

It is not impossible to reach the body weight you would like. You just need to have the patience and determination to stabilize your metabolism level. Stabilizing your metabolism level is important for weight loss. Make eating right, working out, and getting the right amount of sleep a way of life, and you will reach your goal!


